Continuum Glass

a novella

As fog blankets a nameless Saskatchewan lake every September, Kimik seizes its concealment to vanish from the confines of her Royal Canadian Mounted Police badge. Going off the grid, she plunges into the mist-shrouded depths of a secluded forest, driven by the urgent mission to locate a missing Cree woman.

She has only six hours until sunset. When that hour strikes, she needs to be ready to get out and be long gone. With the clock ticking, she clutches a scorching list of four names in one hand and an icy revolver in the other. The path ahead is unclear, but she will need to be one step ahead of whatever horrors await her at the end of it—most of all, the enigmatic Tremblay Twins.

In this tense thriller, Kimik faces a fight for her life, a fight for the life of another, and a fight for her identity in a world where it seems only violence survives.

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